The Meanings of May

The Meanings of May

The month of May brings to mind, for me, many wonderful things – May Day and Mother’s Day, planting seeds in freshly tilled dirt, the scent of lilacs blooming, the return of the hummingbirds to my feeders, and the absolute joy of our herd of Scottish Highland cattle when we send them out to graze on pastures of bright green grass for the first time after a winter of dry hay. All of these things speak to me of beginnings - full of hope, possibilities, and potential.

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Springtime: Sprout the Seed of Your Heart’s Desire

Think of a seed that has been hibernating through the long winter in the cold crusty earth waiting for just the right moment to reach upward through the soil toward the warmth of the life-giving sun to fulfill its life purpose, its dharma. This is the qi (life-force energy) of springtime….

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What Brings You Alive?

What Brings You Alive?

One day the question “What brings you alive?” caused her to sit up. Her immediate response was, “Not a doggone thing.“  With eyes brimming and a knot in her throat, she wondered, “When did I become so small? I need more! I want to LIVE!” she proclaimed aloud.

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Make Something!

Too often 'creativity' is assigned only to artists, musicians, or writers – professionals who do things well. But here is the truth: Creativity is our very nature from our first breath to our last. We create our lives daily. Creativity is within each of us in one form or another but far too often is quashed or suppressed to our detriment.

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Simple Little Things

Simple Little Things

How often has someone said to you since Covid hit the land, “I miss the simple things”? Often a story spills out about what is missed: enjoying rich coffees and robust conversations at iron tables outside the brewhouse; piling onto the pontoon without measuring distances between human bodies; sitting shoulder-to-shoulder at the movies or in the opera house, hugging. And most especially that – hugging (much less kissing). The stories bind us.

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