
A therapeutic deep state of relaxation & focused concentration

Hypnotherapy helps you get to the root of the issue which is stored in the subconscious mind. You are guided and directed by this part of the mind throughout your life. The beliefs stored here can prevent you from healing or living into your full potential.

Hypnotherapy Practitioner

Clients seek out hypnotherapy for many reasons:

  • Depression

  • Phobias and anxiety

  • Obsessions

  • Obesity and weight management

  • Feelings of not belonging

  • Unworthiness

  • Chronic medical problems

  • Repeating patterns

  • Cessation of smoking or other habits

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy appointments begin by inducing a light hypnotic state, marked by a waking awareness. An intention is set at the start of the session that focuses on the healing and change you seek. With our expert’s guidance, you relax deeply and focus on your inner experiences. This enjoyable, safe, and effective 60-minute session can help overcome a variety of challenges. Some of the most common our clients address are releasing phobias, anxiety, and stress, and finding assistance with pain management, weight loss, and smoking cessation. 

60-minute session, $150

Please submit form at least 24 hours prior to session: angijara@angelaria.com

Soul-Empowering Hypnosis

Soul-Empowering Hypnosis (SEH) is an interactive 90-minute hypnotherapy session, that’s delivered using a profoundly gentle and flexible method. This style of hypnotherapy invites your soul (and your spirit guides, angels, etc.) to take you on a spiritual journey that uncovers the greatest benefits to your personal growth, healing, and progress. SEH is an easy, enjoyable, and loving way to begin living your soul’s magic. During your SEH session, you may: 

  • Merge with your soul's true nature and energy 

  • Experience deep healing, guidance, and limitless love

  • Journey to your soul’s favorite place of healing and wisdom

  • Explore past, future, and concurrent lives 

  • Channel your soul’s wisdom by inviting your soul to speak directly through your voice 

  • Connect with your guides, light beings, angels, fairies, dragons, spirit animals, starseed family, etc. 

  • Explore the spirit realm as well as other planets and dimensions  

  • Make profound positive shifts by releasing all that you’re meant to release and receiving all that you're meant to receive 

  • Enjoy the infinite possibilities presented to you by your soul 

90-minute session, $222

Please submit form at least 24 hours prior to session: angijara@angelaria.com

Past-Life Regression

Past-Life Regression Therapy in an interactive 90-minute hypnotherapy session that allows the you to experience glimpses of other lives in order to achieve an improvement or shift in the present. Through interactive discussion and guided relaxation, you are guided into a light hypnotic state where profound past-life memories can be accessed for learning, healing, and growth. Past-life lessons can be explored and related to current life lessons, which allows you to observe patterns and identify areas where change is necessary. Past-Life Regression often leads to a connection with your highest wisdom and clarity as you seek to effectively integrate the learnings from the session with your day-to-day habits.  

90-minute session, $222

Please submit form at least 24 hours prior to session: angijara@angelaria.com