The Pancha Kośas: Five Sheaths of the Human Organism

The Pancha Kośas: Five Sheaths of the Human Organism

In Western thinking, we recognize that each human being has a body, a mind, and a spirit. In yoga philosophy, the belief is that each human being consists of five (Sanskrit: pancha), rather than three, layers (Sanskrit: koshas)….

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Becoming & Unbecoming Through Love

Becoming & Unbecoming Through Love

As we dive deeper into the practice of yoga and start to investigate the philosophies that inform our practice, questions like “Who am I?” emerge. Perhaps who I thought I was isn’t so clear anymore. Perhaps I am letting go of attachments and identifications, and I’m starting to feel differently now. Perhaps as my mind got quieter, I started to see more clearly. Who am I unbecoming?

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