Little Lotus Kids Yoga

Little Lotus Kids Yoga™

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: July 14 - 15, 2025
CEC: 14 Contact Hours
Location: Mendota Heights


Kids learn through play. Kids yoga classes are fun, inspirational, educational, and unique every time. Children teach us how to live as true yogis, in the moment, in the full expression of who we are. Teaching yoga to kids is very rewarding when we allow them to teach us the important lessons that many of us forget as adults. A great kids yoga class is taught by a teacher who can hold a safe space of learning and growth for the children, providing them with an environment where they can do what comes naturally to them as little yogis.  

If you work with kids, this training will give you the ability to relate the wisdom of yoga to the kids in your life at a fraction of the cost of other kids-yoga training programs. This training is for anyone who wants to see the kids in their lives reap the benefits of the ancient practice of yoga as well as for yoga teachers and experienced yoga students.  Yoga physically improves strength, flexibility, and coordination; mentally it improves concentration and focus, while also enhancing a sense of calm, and improving the ability to relax. What kids don't need that? This training is perfect for:

  • Daycare providers

  • School teachers

  • Gym teachers

  • Occupational therapists

  • Physical therapists

  • Parents

  • Grandparents

  • Yoga teachers

Our kids yoga teacher training teaches age-appropriate yoga poses, games, language, and teaching techniques for kids ages three and up. This 14-hour Yoga Alliance-approved training covers yoga history, philosophy, energetics, yoga postures, games, class planning, and sequencing.  Also covered are some pragmatic aspects of teaching yoga like how to integrate kids yoga into community ed. programs, elementary and preschool programs, classes at yoga studios, and other therapeutic settings.  Training materials for Kids Yoga include a teacher training manual with sample class plans.  These materials are included in the cost of the training and will be distributed on the first day of class.  There are no prerequisites for this training. 

Kids Yoga Teacher Training Faculty


These training are held at our Mendota Heights center.

Weekend training hours are as follows:

  • Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Summer weekday hours are as follows:

  • Monday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

*No make-up sessions are available.


Fee:  $308

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our trainings tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks’ notice.  Cancellations made with less than 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Pranayama Advanced Breath Practices

Pranayama: Advanced Breath Practices

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: Dates coming soon
CEC: 18 Hours (16 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Mendota Heights

This activity has been designed to meet the Minnesota Board of Nursing continuing education requirements. However, the nurse is responsible for determining whether this activity meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.


Breath, the Great Teacher and the First Pose of Yoga

The study of pranayama, the breathing techniques unique and integral to yoga, is essential for teaching this ancient system of well-being to students of all ages and all levels. As yoga teachers, we place high value on these breath techniques, which improve the overall health and function of the body’s vital organs and every one of its 100 trillion cells. Led by Sarah Zuber, a skilled and deeply committed teacher of pranayama, this 20-hour intensive study teaches the powerful healing ways of the breath, the first pose of yoga.

Green Lotus' weekend breath intensive offers a rare opportunity to enhance your skills in this new way: Not only will you learn and practice simple to complex techniques, but you also will gain insight into how to develop sequenced pranayama practices to offer to your students, patients, and clients. This point-of-view, to learn the individual breathing techniques and how to string them together in different sequences to offer group or individual sessions, will enhance your skills and help you to deliver well-being in more ways and settings.

The Breath of Life Is for Everyone

Breathing techniques calm the nervous system and the mind. They help tame anxiety and depression. They ease women through child-birth. They aid those who are actively dying and the friends and family offering support to the dying. They make it easier for us to practice asana – the poses of yoga – and other forms of exercise, from hiking to dance to golf to horseback-riding. And so much more.

Whether you teach yoga, are a psychotherapist, a fitness trainer, a midwife, a coach, minister, physician, nurse, or a physical therapist – or simply want to deepen your personal understanding and practice of yoga and the role of breath in it – you will benefit from this training. 

Master Breath Philosophies, Techniques, and Their Applications

  • Diaphragmatic breath

  • Ujjai (victorious breath)

  • Kapalabhati (skull shining breath)

  • Bhastrika (bellows breath)

  • Nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breath)

  • Anuloma viloma (alternate nostril variation)

  • Surya (solar piercing)

  • Chandra bhedana (lunar piercing

  • Sitali/sitkari (cooling breath)

  • Kumbhaka (simple retention)

  • Learning to observe our breath through the physical body, five traditional senses, and qualities of breath

  • Placement in the yoga practice and benefits and contraindications of individual pranayama techniques

  • Bandhas (internal locks) and their relationship to pranayama

  • Pranayama practice (30-minutes) and how to sequence a pranayama practice so you can offer breath-only group classes and private sessions

Pranayama Advanced Practices Faculty

Required Books and Materials

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations.

  • There is no required text for this training, study materials will be provided.


This training is held at our Mendota Heights Center.  Hours are as follows:

  • Friday: 6 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

  • Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee $352

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund.