How Sound Therapy Is Used to Heal

Edgar Cayce, an American attributed clairvoyant, in the first half of the 20th century, predicted that sound would be the future of medicine. Since ancient times, though, sound therapy and sound healing had been used across the globe and in almost all cultures by Tibetan Lamas, Jewish priests, Nomadic Shamans, a cantor. The field of sound and sound healing has been studied and pondered seemingly forever.

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We Are Never Alone

There are many energetic beings that support humanity. They are as unique as humans are diverse. Some people like to work with angels, and some may be more comfortable with saints, animals, or nature. They are ALL here to help, teach, and guide us on our journey.…

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Becoming Aware - What Is Higher Consciousness?

On the day you ponder higher consciousness, you begin the journey of awareness of your awareness. Something within has shifted and has created a pathway of discovery for you – let the adventure begin….

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