A Gentle, Reiki-Inspired Approach to the New Year

The new year is when we start to think about our resolutions and the changes we would like to make in our lives. Typically, that starts with a renewed dedication to the gym. Over the years, however, I have come to take a more yin approach to January – one that focuses on doing less, clearing out space in my life, and taking time for gentle reflection…

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The Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

The Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Who am I? Why am I here? These are questions most of us ask ourselves at some point. There are ancient teachings that we can use to guide our modern lives and help us to answer these questions.

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“Wheeling” and Dealing with Our Precious Energy

Chakras help illuminate profound truths about whether we are more than just a physical body…

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How Sound Therapy Is Used to Heal

Edgar Cayce, an American attributed clairvoyant, in the first half of the 20th century, predicted that sound would be the future of medicine. Since ancient times, though, sound therapy and sound healing had been used across the globe and in almost all cultures by Tibetan Lamas, Jewish priests, Nomadic Shamans, a cantor. The field of sound and sound healing has been studied and pondered seemingly forever.

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We Are Never Alone

There are many energetic beings that support humanity. They are as unique as humans are diverse. Some people like to work with angels, and some may be more comfortable with saints, animals, or nature. They are ALL here to help, teach, and guide us on our journey.…

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Becoming Aware - What Is Higher Consciousness?

On the day you ponder higher consciousness, you begin the journey of awareness of your awareness. Something within has shifted and has created a pathway of discovery for you – let the adventure begin….

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Messages from a Bear

Messages from a Bear

Even though I haven’t seen him myself, this giant bear has definitely made his presence known, and I’ve wondered if he might have a message to convey. I have both meditated on this and researched the meanings and mythology of bears in different cultural traditions. Whether you believe this mysterious bear is a messenger or just a beast roaming the woods looking for food, the ideas brought forward are interesting and worth considering.

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The Magical Moon

The Magical Moon

The Moon represents intuition, emotion, deepest personal needs, feelings, reflection, instinctive reactions, and habits. The Moon is the mediator for the inner and outer world, holding space for our inner child and inner mother. While the Sun is logical, the Moon is all about the things you know without thought - instinct, gut feelings, intuition, hunches….

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The Moon Salutation

The Moon Salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra Namaskar, is a series of flowing asanas coordinated with your breath. In contrast to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), which build heat, Moon Salutations foster cooling.

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Summer Solstice: A Pause in the Circle

By celebrating the summer solstice, we recognize and honor just how important the sun, and each day, is. Here are some ideas for how you might work with the energies of and honor the summer solstice yourself….

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Welcoming the Age of Aquarius

Welcoming the Age of Aquarius

Ages shift gradually through time and space; therefore, when exactly the Age of Aquarius begins is an unanswerable question. It takes many years to make this gradual transition from one age to another, and no specific day and time can be marked. As we move through the big shift between two ages happening right now, the energetic effects are felt, seen, and experienced in the world.

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Celebrating the Season with Crystals & Stones

Celebrating the Season with Crystals & Stones

Crystals and stones can lend support and provide energetic balance during this time. Each stone has a unique molecular structure and vibration, one created as the stone forms. It is the vibrational frequency of the stone that gives each its properties….

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Images of Light

In the dark days of winter, around the Winter Solstice, we long for the light of the sun. Our wintertime traditions with stories of bright stars, traditions of Yule logs and candles, and decorating with twinkling lights all serve as reminders to look toward the coming light in all its forms.

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The Astrology of Leo Season

The Astrology of Leo Season

We entered Leo season on July 22 and will remain there until August 22. Leo is the astrological sign that often leaves us scratching our heads and feeling unsure of others’ intentions. Traditionally known for drama and demanding behavior, this sign is far more than meets the eye.

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Understanding Your Solar Power

Understanding Your Solar Power

When I feel a tightening or an uncomfortable burn in my Solar Plexus, I stop. I feel. I “listen” with my whole being. Is this anger? Is this a desire to be “right”? Is this a play of a sheer force of will? Is this over-excitement? Is this nervousness or shyness?

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The Dance of the Chakras

The Dance of the Chakras

Most often, chakras are described as spinning vortexes. The word “chakra” actually means “wheel”. How are these spinning vortexes created? What makes them spin?

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Lessons of the Eight of Swords

The symbols in the tarot help me to bring forward what I already know, deep in the seat of my soul, knowledge that may be hidden or veiled at the moment. The Eight of Swords depicts a woman, blindfolded and with arms bound, standing with eight swords surrounding her, seeming to trap her in place.

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