Yoga Sculpt

Yoga Sculpt

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced  Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: Coming soon!
CEC: 10 Hours (8 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Virtual Live-Streamed


As the popularity of yoga continues to grow, yoga sculpt has emerged as an appealing option for yogis looking for a physically challenging and highly athletic class. Yoga sculpt adds external resistance in the form of light weights. With a basic vinyasa-style sequence as the foundation, the use of weights builds strength and endurance while also working on flexibility and breath. Other elements incorporated into class include cardio, plyometrics, and proven strength-building moves like push-ups, bicep curls, squats, and jumping jacks. In keeping with the vinyasa tradition, we keep the breath flowing the entire class to increase heart rate while sculpting all the major muscle groups. Upbeat music is also an integral element to class in order to keep the tempo and energy levels up.

This training is ideal for certified yoga instructors who currently teach or are familiar with the basic vinyasa-style format. Adding yoga sculpt to your skill set will enhance your ability to serve your students and give you the opportunity to offer a challenging yet safe class that serves as a nice compliment to more traditional yoga formats.

What You Will Learn

  • Yoga sculpt sequencing and cues

  • Various options, alternatives, modifications, and techniques to make the class your own

  • Music selection and discussion on how to teach to the beat

  • Safety discussion on how to protect vulnerable joints such as shoulders, knees, hips, wrists, and ankles

  • The benefits of a yoga sculpt practice including strength, endurance, flexibility, and improved muscle tone

Yoga Sculpt Training Faculty

Required Books, Materials & Prerequisites

  • Read Journey Into Power by Baron Baptiste prior to training

  • Attended at least one yoga sculpt class prior to training

  • Be comfortable teaching in the vinyasa style

  • 200-hour yoga teacher training

  • Bring a notebook or journal to capture thoughts, notes, and questions


Green Lotus's Yoga Sculpt Training, held virtually via Zoom. Hours are as follows: 

  • Monday - Wednesday, January 13 - 15, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

*Make-up sessions may be available for an additional fee. If students cannot attend for the entire schedule, they may be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.

Fee $176

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two-weeks advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 72-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Little Lotus Kids Yoga

Little Lotus Kids Yoga™

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: July 14 - 15, 2025
CEC: 14 Contact Hours
Location: Mendota Heights


Kids learn through play. Kids yoga classes are fun, inspirational, educational, and unique every time. Children teach us how to live as true yogis, in the moment, in the full expression of who we are. Teaching yoga to kids is very rewarding when we allow them to teach us the important lessons that many of us forget as adults. A great kids yoga class is taught by a teacher who can hold a safe space of learning and growth for the children, providing them with an environment where they can do what comes naturally to them as little yogis.  

If you work with kids, this training will give you the ability to relate the wisdom of yoga to the kids in your life at a fraction of the cost of other kids-yoga training programs. This training is for anyone who wants to see the kids in their lives reap the benefits of the ancient practice of yoga as well as for yoga teachers and experienced yoga students.  Yoga physically improves strength, flexibility, and coordination; mentally it improves concentration and focus, while also enhancing a sense of calm, and improving the ability to relax. What kids don't need that? This training is perfect for:

  • Daycare providers

  • School teachers

  • Gym teachers

  • Occupational therapists

  • Physical therapists

  • Parents

  • Grandparents

  • Yoga teachers

Our kids yoga teacher training teaches age-appropriate yoga poses, games, language, and teaching techniques for kids ages three and up. This 14-hour Yoga Alliance-approved training covers yoga history, philosophy, energetics, yoga postures, games, class planning, and sequencing.  Also covered are some pragmatic aspects of teaching yoga like how to integrate kids yoga into community ed. programs, elementary and preschool programs, classes at yoga studios, and other therapeutic settings.  Training materials for Kids Yoga include a teacher training manual with sample class plans.  These materials are included in the cost of the training and will be distributed on the first day of class.  There are no prerequisites for this training. 

Kids Yoga Teacher Training Faculty


These training are held at our Mendota Heights center.

Weekend training hours are as follows:

  • Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Sunday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Summer weekday hours are as follows:

  • Monday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

*No make-up sessions are available.


Fee:  $308

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our trainings tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks’ notice.  Cancellations made with less than 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Pranayama Advanced Breath Practices

Pranayama: Advanced Breath Practices

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: Dates coming soon
CEC: 18 Hours (16 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Mendota Heights

This activity has been designed to meet the Minnesota Board of Nursing continuing education requirements. However, the nurse is responsible for determining whether this activity meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.


Breath, the Great Teacher and the First Pose of Yoga

The study of pranayama, the breathing techniques unique and integral to yoga, is essential for teaching this ancient system of well-being to students of all ages and all levels. As yoga teachers, we place high value on these breath techniques, which improve the overall health and function of the body’s vital organs and every one of its 100 trillion cells. Led by Sarah Zuber, a skilled and deeply committed teacher of pranayama, this 20-hour intensive study teaches the powerful healing ways of the breath, the first pose of yoga.

Green Lotus' weekend breath intensive offers a rare opportunity to enhance your skills in this new way: Not only will you learn and practice simple to complex techniques, but you also will gain insight into how to develop sequenced pranayama practices to offer to your students, patients, and clients. This point-of-view, to learn the individual breathing techniques and how to string them together in different sequences to offer group or individual sessions, will enhance your skills and help you to deliver well-being in more ways and settings.

The Breath of Life Is for Everyone

Breathing techniques calm the nervous system and the mind. They help tame anxiety and depression. They ease women through child-birth. They aid those who are actively dying and the friends and family offering support to the dying. They make it easier for us to practice asana – the poses of yoga – and other forms of exercise, from hiking to dance to golf to horseback-riding. And so much more.

Whether you teach yoga, are a psychotherapist, a fitness trainer, a midwife, a coach, minister, physician, nurse, or a physical therapist – or simply want to deepen your personal understanding and practice of yoga and the role of breath in it – you will benefit from this training. 

Master Breath Philosophies, Techniques, and Their Applications

  • Diaphragmatic breath

  • Ujjai (victorious breath)

  • Kapalabhati (skull shining breath)

  • Bhastrika (bellows breath)

  • Nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breath)

  • Anuloma viloma (alternate nostril variation)

  • Surya (solar piercing)

  • Chandra bhedana (lunar piercing

  • Sitali/sitkari (cooling breath)

  • Kumbhaka (simple retention)

  • Learning to observe our breath through the physical body, five traditional senses, and qualities of breath

  • Placement in the yoga practice and benefits and contraindications of individual pranayama techniques

  • Bandhas (internal locks) and their relationship to pranayama

  • Pranayama practice (30-minutes) and how to sequence a pranayama practice so you can offer breath-only group classes and private sessions

Pranayama Advanced Practices Faculty

Required Books and Materials

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations.

  • There is no required text for this training, study materials will be provided.


This training is held at our Mendota Heights Center.  Hours are as follows:

  • Friday: 6 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

  • Sunday: 10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee $352

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Mat Pilates & Barre Yoga

Mat Pilates & Barre Yoga

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies & Continuing Education Yoga Teacher Training


Dates: September 12 - 13, 2025
CEC: 10 Hour (9 Contact, 1 Non-Contact)
Location: Lakeville or Virtual


Nearly 100 years ago, Joseph H. Pilates developed a unique and revolutionary approach to physical fitness. Used as a method for rehabilitating injured soldiers during World War I, this new form of exercise developed a strong and faithful following among the New York City dance community during the 1920s. Today, the Pilates method is widely accepted as an excellent core conditioning system, with a mind-body connection. Barre is a hot trend right now, with exercises focused on creating strong, lean muscles like those of classical ballet dancers. 

This training is ideal for yoga and group exercise instructors looking for new ways to add core conditioning to their classes, students wanting to delve more deeply into the benefits and proper alignment of mat Pilates exercises, and teachers wishing to teach a Mat Pilates or Barre Yoga class format. The training will be divided into two parts:


I loved the attention to detail and the instructor’s patience and care when teaching – a very positive experience!
~ Julia


Pilates Mat Teacher Training: 6 hours

  • Students will take a 60-minute Pilates class

  • History and philosophy of Pilates mat work

  • Benefits, breathing, cueing, and modifications for approximately 20 mat exercises

  • Sequencing for a beginning level Mat Pilates class


Barre Teacher Training: 3 hours

  • Students will take a 60-minute Barre Yoga class

  • Philosophy and goals of the barre exercise routine

  • Benefits, cueing and modifications for approximately ten standing exercises

  • Sequence combining yoga, standing exercises at the barre, and mat Pilates for an energizing and strengthening class

Mat Pilates & Barre Training Faculty

Required Books and Materials

  • Pilates, Second Edition by Rael Isacowitz (available used on Amazon)

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations.


Attend this training at the Lakeville center or virtually via Zoom. Hours are as follows: 

  • Friday: 5 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee:  $198

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our trainings tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks notice.  Cancellations made with less than 48 hour notice will not receive a refund. 

The Study of the Bhagavad Gita

The Study of the Bhagavad Gita

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced  Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: Tuesdays, October 1 - 22, 2024
CEC: 8 Hours (6 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Virtual

This book-club-style training delves into and digests the sacred text, the Bhagavad Gita. We explore the modern-day application of this masterpiece of awareness and adventure, examine how its lesson apply to our own lives, and discuss how to bring the words to life. Students learn to apply the concepts of the Gita to the study of the 8-limbed path, including asana, and to art of living our yoga. Our virtual book-club approach, using Zoom, allows us to discuss and absorb the lessons of the Gita in “bite-size” chunks of 90 minutes over four evenings. Students form new virtual communities of exploration, making this ancient book of wisdom accessible to people near and far.

Bhagavad Gita Faculty

Required Books & Materials

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Students are required to read the following:

  • The Bhagavad Gita translated by Stephen Mitchell


This training is held Tuesday evenings via Zoom.  Hours are as follows: 

  • 6:30 - 8 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.

Fee:  $132

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two-weeks notice.  Cancellations made with less than 48 hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Chair Yoga Training

Chair Yoga Training

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: February 16, 2025
CEC: 3 Hours (3 Contact)
Location: Mendota Heights

Dates: August 14, 2025
CEC: 3 Hours (3 Contact)
Location: Lakeville

This training covers how to sequence and modify a gentle yoga class for students to "come as they are" from work, errands, or daily life. Designed for people who spend a lot of time driving, active seniors, office workers, or anyone looking to relieve tension that collects in necks, shoulders and backs, this class style allows students to practice in comfortable street clothes using chairs and props.


Sequencing & Transitioning Practicum Faculty



This training is held at our Mendota Heights center.

  • Sunday, 12 - 3 p.m.

No make-up sessions will be available.


Fee $66

Green Lotus alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Power Vinyasa

Power Vinyasa

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: Saturday, October 11, 2025
CEC: 12 Hours (10 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Lakeville


Re-imagining How and Who You Teach

Students who see others flowing in a power vinyasa class often think: "I could never do that." They create roadblocks that inhibit them from stepping onto the mat and trusting that their bodies can - and want to - experience both dynamic flowing movement and long-held stationery poses. They stop themselves from walking across the threshold of a power vinyasa class and learning the techniques, modifications, and assists that allow each of them to practice power vinyasa in their unique ways. Teachers often do the same, thinking, "I could never teach that."

Rewire Your Mind, Transform Your Body

For yoga teachers and students alike, power vinyasa provides another path to evolve mentally and physically, to grow strong in mind and body. Whether students are beginners or advanced practitioners, led by a skillful power vinyasa teacher they can unleash hidden strength, find fluidity, nurture focus and clarity. In Baron Baptiste's sequence of 53 poses, linked by movement to breath, you will learn to help your students unleash their own perfect process. What is the "power" behind power vinyasa yoga? Where does the "fire" of the practice come from and how is it maintained with ease? How do you teach students of many levels? Based on the teachings of Baron Baptiste and other master teachers, students will learn the use of the dynamic ujjayi breath, alignment in moving and stationery poses, and how to confidently teach students power vinyasa with serenity and clear direction. 

Power Vinyasa Intensive Faculty

Required Texts & Materials

Only one text is required. Please purchase it and read through page 72 before the training session.

  • Journey into Power by Baron Baptiste

  • Bring a notebook or journal, plus a phone/camera to take photos of certain poses if you wish.

  • Bring a towel.


This training will be held at our Mendota Heights center. Hours are as follows:

  • Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee:  $220

Green Lotus alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced  Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: May 2 - 4, 2025
CEC: 18 Hours (16 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Lakeville


Yin yoga is a quiet practice that focuses on creating space in the muscles, joints, and connective tissues while enhancing the mind-body connection. It encourages students to go deeply into each pose with all levels of their being.  Yin yoga also provides balance to more active yang yoga practices like power vinyasa and hatha and sports like running and aerobics. The body's well-being requires at least as much "muscle release" as "muscle engagement" for balance.  Yin yoga is an intensely deep form of yoga and requires specialized study to teach or to deepen your personal yin practice.

A Unique Approach to Yin Training


Our 18-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training and Advanced Studies Program allows yoga teachers and students to delve deeply into the practice during one intensive weekend.  You will:

  • Study through reading and engaging lecture

  • Participate in multiple practices so that the principles of yin yoga can be felt in your own body and mind

  • Learn anatomy, alignment, Chinese medicine, and philosophy from a yin perspective

  • Learn each yin pose in depth, with modifications, variations, and attention to alignment

  • Learn about energy meridians, the five elements, and acupressure points to enhance a yin practice

  • Have ample opportunities to ask questions and discuss theories and ideas


If you feel a strong need for balance in your practice, teaching, and life in general, yin is the way to go. I feel 100% ready to teach yin classes after this training and empowered to develop a personal yin practice too! Thank you Maureen for your brilliance and energy. Namaste!
~ Sara


Yin Yoga Training Faculty

I have very much enjoyed dropping into a few virtual yin classes over the past month and plan to do so in the future. It grounds me to witness your teaching and reflect and learn as both a student and a new teacher of Yin Yoga. I started teaching a couple of yin classes in my community since completing your training in the fall. I am loving sharing the Yin practice with my community of Decorah. The response has been very positive. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love for Yin. For me, it has opened a welcomed new avenue to teaching and practicing beyond my Iyengar foundation. Educators know good teaching and learning from you has been a gift.
~ Lea


Required Books and Materials

  • The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga, The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations

Optional but recommended:

  • Insight Yoga by Sarah Powers

  • Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine by Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold

  • Liberation: The Perfect Holistic Antidote to Stress, Depression, and Other Unhealthy States of Mind by Stephen Russell


This training is held at our Lakeville center.  

  • Friday: 6 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Sunday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee $352

Green Lotus alumni receive a 10% discount.


I really appreciated the broad context of the training - really connected the theories of Taoism and Chinese medicine to the yin yoga practice very well.
~ Denise, Acupuncturist & Yoga Teacher

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice if you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: April, 5 - 6, 2025
CEC: 20 Hours (18 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Lakeville


The Art of Healing by Letting Go

Restorative yoga is a practice of letting go, of healing the body and mind. Research shows that practicing restorative yoga can aid in combating stress and PTSD, sleeplessness and fatigue, "monkey mind", emotional issues such as grief, fear, and anxiety, and many other symptoms. It is the foundation of therapeutic yoga. Using props such as blankets, bolsters, chairs, and blocks, yoga poses are fully supported, allowing the body and mind to let go and heal. A restorative yoga class is a great option for people who have structural concerns, those new to yoga, or those recovering from injury or illness. With an abundance of modifications, restorative yoga allows every body to reach of state of active relaxation, bringing rest to body and mind, engendering peace and calm, and enhancing receptivity.

Expand Your Skills and Your State of Well-Being - and of Others, Too

Green Lotus's Restorative Training, based on the principles of Judith Lasater's Relax and Renew®, is designed for three audiences:

  • Yoga students wishing to expand and deepen their personal practice or become more familiar with this style physically and energetically and apply it to their personal lives

  • Yoga teachers seeking to teach restorative yoga and/or earn continuing education credits

  • Other professionals - such as therapists, medical personnel, school teachers, physical therapists - who may wish to integrate restorative techniques into the practices they offer

With Green Lotus's training, you show up ready to learn. We provide all props - bolsters, blankets, blocks, straps, cushions, eye pillows, towels - so there is no need to pack and haul in your own. You will experience the practice in your body to better understand the challenges and releases your students may experience. And our manual will support you for years to come.

Instructor Randi Henning is a Judith Lasater-certified Relax and Renew® trainer and has worked with hundreds of yoga students and teachers-in-training. With her you will explore restorative poses in-depth with an abundance of modifications and adjustments.  You will learn to sequence a relaxing, meditative, and thoughtful class and to tailor a private session for a wide range of unique needs. You will gain tools to broaden your yoga repertoire, and you will learn to guide your students, and yourself, in the practice of letting go: restorative yoga. 

A Unique Restorative Yoga Point-of-View

Instructor Randi Henning is a Judith Lasater-certified Relax and Renew® trainer and has worked with hundreds of yoga students and teachers-in-training in group and private settings. She brings her unique point of view so you can learn:

  • To teach restorative yoga in a group-class setting, which requires deft skills to meet so many needs

  • To quickly assess the students directly in front of you and determine how to ease them into relaxation and rest

  • To determine which props to use and why

  • To take care of yourself: Teaching a group class requires stamina, keen observation and listening skills, and compassion

  • To sequence classes for different issues from grief to tight hips

  • How to conduct an in-take session for a private client

  • How to use the in-take information to prepare and conduct an effective private restorative yoga session

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Faculty

Required Texts and Materials

Only one text is required. Please purchase it and read it before the training session.

  • Relax and Renew by Judith Hanson Lasater

  • Please bring notebook or journal to capture observations, questions, and inspirations


This training is held at our Mendota Heights center. There is a 30-minute lunch break each day. Hours are as follows:

  • Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.


Fee:  $396

Green Lotus alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two weeks' advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Assisting & Adjusting

The Art of Assisting & Adjusting

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training


Dates: February 6 - 8, 2026
CEC: 22 Hours (19 Contact, 3 Non-Contact)
Location: Mendota Heights


How This Training Will Hone Your Skills

Offering assists and adjustments to yoga students is an art. It requires highly developed observation skills, awareness of body mechanics and movement, intimate familiarity of the poses, and strong communications skills. The goal is to assist and adjust so that students find their ultimate expression of poses  without becoming teacher-dependent. This carefully designed immersion into the art of assisting and adjusting, based on the observation of and work with thousands of students, will deepen your teaching skills to help your students to find an openness and mind/body connection that advances their practice. This training will differentiate you as a teacher.

The Foundation of the Training Rests on Proper Alignment

  • The understanding that more is less when it comes to safe hands-on adjustments

  • How to use the various forms of assisting and adjusting from verbal cues to directional signals to physical manipulation

  • The role of props as tools in adjusting and assisting

  • How to empower students to find personal levels of self-adjusting

  • Assisting safely without developing dependency

  • We will cover dozens of key foundational poses and their modifications in the following families of poses in this training:

  1. Sun salutations

  2. Standing poses

  3. Backbends

  4. Twists

  5. Forward folds

  6. Core connection

  7. Inversions

  8. Surrender to gravity

Hands-on Practice: Our 22-hour assisting and adjusting teacher training and advanced yoga studies is offered in an intensive weekend of total immersion. As with all its training offerings, the cornerstone of the Green Lotus approach is to study assisting and adjusting not only by reading and engaging lecture and discussion, but also by practicing the adjustments over and over again.

Boundaries and Ethics: Our training includes a segment on ethics and boundaries so we as teachers can better understand our roles and impact and also to develop awareness of the different emotions that can be observed in the classroom - such as anxiety - and how assisting and adjusting can affect those emotions and feelings.

Wonderful course for newer yoga teachers and those looking for a course exclusive to assisting and adjusting. This was exactly the training I was hoping for and I'm so happy to have taken it.
~ Andrea

Assisting & Adjusting Teacher Training Faculty

Have a look inside a recent Assisting & Adjusting training


Required Books & Materials

  • Students will be required to read portions of Journey into Power by Baron Baptiste

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations

  • Other materials, including a handbook and schedule for the weekend, will be provided

Optional but recommended:

  • Yoga Posture Adjustments and Assisting by Stephanie Pappas


Green Lotus’ Art of Assisting and Adjusting held at our Mendota Heights center hours are as follows:

  • Friday: 5:30 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

  • Sunday: 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

*No make-up sessions will be available. If students cannot attend for the entire weekend schedule, they will be able to complete the requirements the next time the training is held.

Fee $418

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two-weeks advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced  Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: March 21 - 23, & 26, 2025
CEC: 25 Hours (23 Contact, 2 Non-Contact)
Location: Lakeville & Virtual

This activity has been designed to meet the Minnesota Board of Nursing continuing education requirements. The nurse is responsible for determining whether this activity meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education.

yoga nidra.jpg

Yoga Nidra, also known as yoga deep sleep or sleepless sleep, is an ancient meditation technique known and proved to affect the parts of the brain that permit deeper insight. This is the part of the brain that release the negative thoughts, emotions, feelings, and traumas inhibiting well-being and good health. Based on ancient yoga teachings combined with modern, well-researched and documented techniques, this training provides a fresh perspective. It makes this therapeutic technique accessible and effective for modern-day life delivered by modern-day yoga teachers, nurses and other medical professionals, psychologists, social workers, acupuncturists, massage therapists, school teachers, and more.

Yoga Nidra works. Thanks to rigorous contemporary research at respected universities and government organizations, Yoga Nidra effectively is being used around the country in:

  • VA hospital and clinics

  • schools

  • business

  • sleep clinics

  • recovery clinics

  • at-risk programs for children and teens

  • prisons

  • psychology practices

  • and at Green Lotus where hundreds of people have benefited and are regulars at our Yoga Nidra workshops and classes 

You will learn:

  • how Yoga Nidra affects the physical and emotional bodies at all levels

  • how it works with trauma of many kinds as it helps people connect with their inner resource

  • how to use it in dedicated practices or workshops ranging from 15 to 45 minutes, in private sessions, and in your classes in abbreviated form

  • how to use long- and short-forms of the practice

  • how to use your voice as a resonant tool that is well-paced and controlled for volume

  • how to connect to your own inner resource

  • how to have healthy boundaries with Yoga Nidra students

  • how it feels in your own body: participants in this training will experience five 30 - 45-minute Yoga Nidra group sessions during this weekend to feel it in its fullness

This training is open to certified yoga teachers (200-hour), nurses and other medical personnel, psychologists, school teachers, mental-health counselors.  Acupuncturists and massage therapists also have found this training to be integrative to their practices.

Green Lotus founder Marcia Appel created Yoga Nidra training to bring this healing practice to our community. Christine Quam and Dawn Schaefer Stumpf assist in the facilitation of Yoga Nidra training.


Yoga Nidra Training Faculty

Required Books and Materials

Students are required to read the following book prior to the training:

  • Yoga Nidra: A Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations


Yoga Nidra Training is held at our Lakeville center over the weekend and virtually via Zoom the following Wednesday. Hours are as follows:

  • Friday: 2 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Sunday: 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

  • Wednesday: 6 - 8 p.m. (virtual via Zoom)

*No make-up sessions will be available. All sessions must be completed to receive a certificate of completion for Yoga Alliance.

Fee $506

Green Lotus alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions frequently develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two-weeks advance notice when you cancel.  Cancellations made with less than a 48-hour notice will not receive a refund. 

Hot Fusion Yoga Training

Hot Fusion Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Alliance-Approved Advanced Yoga Studies and
Continuing-Education Yoga Teacher Training

Dates: June 6 - 8, 2025
CEC: 20-Hours (16 Contact)
Location: Mendota Heights

Hot Fusion Yoga Is a Powerful, Life-Changing Practice
Yoga is known to restore vitality, heal, and help prevent a range of common chronic aliments. Add heat to the environment, and along with the sweat, breath, and the development of a foundation in the asanas, you find the elixir of life within yourself.


The Essence of Hot Fusion Yoga

Hot fusion yoga captures the essence of the traditional 26 poses of a hot yoga class.  The asanas are linked together by connective momentum, a flow that embodies power and strength and is shoulder-and-wrist friendly.  Set to a slow tempo, breath and postures are cued to a consistent rhythm throughout the class.  Heat aids the lengthening process, challenges the mind's focus, and  heightens the ability to transform through the experience of yoga.  When you combine the standard poses and flow with heat, you get one of the most dynamic, life-changing forms of physical and spiritual fitness. 


Green Lotus Has a Unique Approach to Hot Fusion Teacher Training.
Our hot fusion yoga teacher training allows students to delve deeply into the practice during one intensive weekend. The cornerstone of the Green Lotus approach is to study the practice not only by reading and through engaging lectures, but also by participating in multiple practices so the principles of anatomy and philosophy can be felt in students' own bodies and minds.  Teachers will learn how to narrate the progression of the postures and use active cues to communicate to their students how to move deeper in the posture. Students will also have ample opportunities to practice teaching in small groups or to the class as a whole.


Hot Fusion Yoga Training at Green Lotus Is Designed Specifically for Two Audiences:

  • Yoga teachers who have completed RYT-200 training and are seeking to teach hot fusion yoga and/or to earn continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance. Upon successful completion of Green Lotus' Hot Fusion Yoga Training, teachers will be prepared to begin teaching hot fusion yoga.

  • Yoga students who want to advance and deepen their personal hot fusion yoga practice or become familiar with this particular style of yoga physically and energetically.


I've really enjoyed taking my practice to a much deeper level. I think the teachers are knowledgeable and capable. I enjoy having the opportunity to learn and grow with people from different backgrounds and experiences, but who have a love of yoga in common.
- 2010 Graduate


Hot Fusion Yoga Training Faculty

Required Books and Materials

  • Hot Yoga by Marilyn Barnett

  • Please bring a notebook or journal to capture notes, questions, and observations.

Optional but Recommended:

  • Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class by Bikram Choudhury

  • DVD from Paul Grilley: Anatomy for Yoga


Hot Fusion Training is held at our Lakeville. Hours are as follows:   

  • Friday: 6 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturday: 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Fee:  $352

Green Lotus Alumni receive a 10% discount.

Because our training sessions tend to develop a wait list, refunds will be made to your personal Green Lotus account with less than two-weeks notice.  Cancellations made with less than 72 hours notice will not receive a refund. 

6-month 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

6-Month Yoga Teacher Training Program

Yoga Alliance-Certified 240-Hour
Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Yoga Studies


The six-month training program offers students a shorter window of completion by integrating Thursday and Friday evenings with Saturdays and Sundays 1 - 2 times per month. This option benefits students who desire a slightly accelerated path to completion of their 200-hour certification while still providing a comfortable pace and plenty of time to immerse themselves into the cocoon of study and sangha. Like all of our 200-hour programs, this program offers ​the same dynamic and highly-rated content and experienced senior and supporting faculty who are dedicated to helping you develop your authentic teaching voice.

2025 Schedule - 6-Month Program

Location: Lakeville

December 16, 2024, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Module One – The Beginning Foundation
January 24 - 26
February 7 - 9
February 28 - March 2

Module Two – The Asanas
March 14 - 16
March 28 - 30
April 25 - 27

Module Three – The Teacher
May 9 - 11
May 30 - June 1
June 27 - 29


  • Fridays: 6 - 9 p.m.

  • Saturdays: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

  • Sundays: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


I did a lot of research before selecting a teacher training program because I wanted to make sure I was left in a position to succeed. This program exceeded my expectations in every way. The curriculum covered more than I had anticipated, the teachers were experienced, knowledgeable, and supportive, and the community is one-of-a-kind. The wide array of teachers allowed me to absorb information from many diverse viewpoints. The teachers instructed us in the areas that they were most knowledgeable and passionate about. I recommend this program very highly.
~ Justin, 2021 6-month program graduate


Would you like to discuss our training with a senior faculty member?


Looking for other formats, payment info, required books, or other info?


Summer Immersion 200 Hour Teacher Training

Summer Immersion Yoga Teacher Training Program

Yoga Alliance-Certified 240-Hour
Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Yoga Studies

Register early and save $200!

I am so glad I made the most of my summer, the experience was profound, my practice grew exponentially, and the friendships I made have enriched my life. I feel like I am entering the field with confidence and integrity in my teaching.
— Kate R

The Summer Immersion program began in 2012 and quickly became one of our most sought-after formats.

Students deep-dive into the curriculum and sangha by attending four sessions in June, July, and August.

This unique program is perfect for people who have summers off or who have accumulated many vacation or flex-time hours.

The immersion into yoga study is deep and intense - and that is why students love it. Like all of our 200-hour programs, this program offers dynamic and highly rated content and the same experienced senior and supporting faculty who are dedicated to helping you develop your authentic teaching voice.


Register early and save $200!

Application deadline: we accept students into our program up until training orientation where homework assignments are given

2025 Schedule - Summer Immersion

Location: Lakeville


Orientation: Tuesday, May 20, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Session One
The Beginning Foundation & the Asanas

June 9 - 14

Session Two
Go Deeper

July 7 - 12

Session Three
The Teacher

July 28 - 30

Session Four
The Teacher

August 4 - 6

Session Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.


I truly believe Green Lotus's training changed the course of my life. I am so grateful for the people I met at Green Lotus during the training, the training itself, and the solid knowledge of yoga I now have. You are wonderful, amazing people - thank you!
~ Alicia H


Question about teacher training?


Looking for other formats, payment info, required books, or other info?

240-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Alliance-Certified 200-Hour Programs

Explore in-person upcoming teacher training programs

Find dates, times, and locations info


6-month program

Lakeville Green Lotus


Apply to any of our teacher training programs here and now

Application deadlines: we accept students into our programs up until training orientation where homework assignments are given

Learn about our teacher training in a Zoom info session

Sign up online or by phone: 651-319-9525


Attend one of our Zoom info sessions, meet Amy Dirksen, graduate of our 200-hour program and faculty member. You’ll learn about all our options: 200-hour training formats at all our locations and yoga study options including weekend trainings, weekday and virtual options, and book-club style courses. If you are on a path to teach, if you are a student who wants to dive deep, or if you are a teacher seeking to expand your class repertoire - we have options uniquely suited to you and your life.


Can’t attend an info session? Email us your questions or request a one-on-one chat.

The 3 Modules of Green Lotus 240-Hour Training Programs

The 3 modules of original content make up each of our 240-hour teacher training programs. They create a solid foundation whether you’re on the path of personal deep yoga study or are preparing to teach.

Module One - The Beginning Foundation

  • Basic evolution, history, and philosophy of yoga

  • Pranayama and the use of breath as a transformative tool

  • Yoga lifestyle

  • Art of meditation - developing deeper levels of awareness

Module Two- The Asanas

  • Knowledge of basic and advanced asanas (postures)

  • Basic human physical and energy-based anatomy and physiology

  • The asanas: alignment, healthy and safe movement patterns, benefits, contraindications

  • How to read bodies - physically and energetically

  • Verbal and physical adjustments

Module Three- The Teacher

  • Development of a safe and respectful community in your class

  • Teaching techniques and learning styles

  • Verbal and physical adjustments

  • Development and communication of a balanced and well-sequenced class that teaches and inspires

  • Ethics of the yoga teacher

  • The business of yoga

  • What does it mean to earn a living as a yoga teacher? Open your own studio? Invest in a studio? marketing tools and models to assist you?

  • Practice teaching

  • Apprenticeship - learn by watching and assisting certified teachers

  • Peer teaching - lots of teaching in a supportive environment


I highly recommend this program for anyone working on self-development with or without a desire to teach yoga. I almost wish it was called, "Self Discovery with a Yoga Teacher Certification".
~ Andrea, 2024 graduate


200-Hour Teacher-Training Faculty

Have a question for our faculty?


This is such a holistic and carefully thought-out program. You can feel the love and commitment the instructors have to this beautiful practice. I feel completely prepared to enter the world as a yoga teacher and safely lead folks in their own personal practices.
~ Maria, 2021 graduate


Application Process - 3 Easy Steps

  1. Attend a free teacher-training info session or schedule a one-on-one chat so we can learn more about you and your goals for training.

  2. Complete your application.

  3. Pay the teacher-training deposit.

Application deadlines: We accept students into our programs up until training orientation where homework assignments are given

Pricing and Payment Options

A $300 deposit is required to save your spot in the training.

Complete Series Investment - $3300*

Save $200 - pay $3100 in full 30 days before first day of training

Prices reflect cash, check, or ACH. An additional 3% will be added for credit card payments.

This price includes:

  • 240 hours of yoga training: 180 hours of in-classroom training (contact hours) and 60 hours of out-of-class study (non-contact hours)

  • 20% discount on retail during training sessions (10% books)

  • 10% discount on continuing education credit (CEC) classes post graduation

  • 16 free classes at Green Lotus Yoga and Healing Centers

  • Green Lotus Yoga Teacher Training Manual - with 400 pages of original content that works

  • Access to 100+ training videos that cover alignment, languaging, sequencing, and more

  • CPR certification

Payment Options

  • Pay in Full - save by paying 30 days or more before training starts: $3100; with less than 30 days: $3300

  • Automatic Monthly Payments - $300 deposit plus monthly payments auto-paid on the first of the month, total: $3300

    • 9-month program: $300 per month for 10 months

    • 6-month program: $500 per month for 6 months

    • Immersion programs: $1000 per month for 3 months

  • Pay by Module - $300 deposit plus three payments of $1000, total: $3300

    • If you attend the first module only, the fee is $1200.

*The price does not include required books other than copyrighted manual. Training may qualify for state-funded worker-retraining programs - contact the Minnesota Department of Human Services or a state unemployment office for assistance.

Required Books

  • Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope

  • The Best Guide to Meditation by Victor N. Davich

  • The Yoga Anatomy Coloring Book by Kelly Solloway and Samantha Stutzman

  • Devotion by Dani Shapiro

Our vision for our teacher-training programs:

  • Green Lotus welcomes the student who wants to deepen her or his yoga practice for personal reasons,and the student whose ultimate goal is to teach yoga to others.

  • Green Lotus' teacher training guarantees you will receive personalized attention in a small-group setting. You’ll get to know the faculty well and form deep bonds with instructors and classmates alike. Each student is assigned one of the senior faculty members as a personal adviser to have a steady hand of support, a ready ear for listening.

  • Green Lotus’ curriculum is original, authentic, and easy to understand. It is designed to boost the student who learns by reading, the one who learns best “live and in person”, and the one who absorbs material by watching it over again and again like a good movie. Students use their manuals — a treasure trove of information painstakingly created by its faculty — for years after completing the training. When you complete this program, you will be equipped to teach multiple styles of yoga to multiple levels of students.

  • Green Lotus is committed to the success of every student, encouraging self-reflection, self-inquiry, and self-discovery culminating in personal transformation.

  • Green Lotus offers life-affirming, convenient options and various formats - all with the same great content and experience faculty. Graduating students will have completed 240 hours of study -- this includes 180 hours of in-classroom training (contact hours) and 60 hours of out-of-class study (non-contact hours).

Sign Up for a Life-Changing Event

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Green Lotus adapts to your needs by offering life-friendly unique programs. All of them fulfill the requirements of the Yoga Alliance 200-hour RYT certification and are licensed by the State of Minnesota Higher Education. Various program formats are offered. Same dynamic, deep content. Same dedicated, caring faculty. Same balance of rigor and encouragement. Become a yoga teacher, it will change your life.

Apply to any of our 200-hour programs here and now

MH 9-month 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

9-Month Yoga Teacher Training Program

Yoga Alliance-Certified 240-Hour
Yoga Teacher Training & Advanced Yoga Studies

The ​long-format nine-month program, our original offering introduced in 2008, attracts students who desire a more leisurely ​immersive experience to really absorb the materials, the studies, and the practices. During nine months of weekends students immerse themselves into the cocoon of study and sangha. Some students identify the feeling of this program as being part of nine weekend retreats - the opportunity to get away from it all and connect deeply with each other and their practice. Students managing work ​and/or busy households often find that this program provides the best work-life balance for them and their families. Like all of our 200-hour programs, this program offers dynamic and highly rated content and the same experienced senior and supporting faculty who are dedicated to helping you develop your authentic teaching voice.

Application deadline: We accept students into our program up until training orientation where homework assignments are given

2025 - 2026 9-Month Program Schedule

Location: Mendota Heights

August 21, 2025, 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Module One – The Beginning Foundation
September 19 - 21
October 17 - 19
November 14 - 16 

Module Two – The Asanas
January 16 - 18
February 20 - 22
March 20 - 22

Module Three – The Teacher
April 17 - 19 
May 15 - 17
June 19 - 21

Training Hours:
Friday: 6 - 9 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


I've been involved in physical fitness all my life.  Football, weight-lifting, running, Tae Kwon Do, and Kung Fu. A good friend suggested I try yoga. Fifteen minutes into the class I realized yoga was my calling. Within a week I found Green Lotus. I knew I was home. After two years of practice I decided to become an instructor.  Green Lotus's instructors are very professional and give you the one-on-one support to help you become a true yogi. My yoga journey at Green Lotus has fulfilled me physically, mentally, and spiritually.
~ Todd J.


Would you like to discuss training with a faculty member?


Looking for other formats, payment info, required books, application process, or other info?