The Pancha Kośas: Five Sheaths of the Human Organism

The Pancha Kośas: Five Sheaths of the Human Organism

In Western thinking, we recognize that each human being has a body, a mind, and a spirit. In yoga philosophy, the belief is that each human being consists of five (Sanskrit: pancha), rather than three, layers (Sanskrit: koshas)….

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Understanding Your Solar Power

Understanding Your Solar Power

When I feel a tightening or an uncomfortable burn in my Solar Plexus, I stop. I feel. I “listen” with my whole being. Is this anger? Is this a desire to be “right”? Is this a play of a sheer force of will? Is this over-excitement? Is this nervousness or shyness?

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Grounding: What is it and how can it help me?

In yoga and meditation classes, we’re often asked to have the intention of grounding or are cued to ground ourselves. Most of us, correctly, hear those as an invitation to connect more deeply to the earth. What exactly does that mean?

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Marcia's Musings: The Conservation of Energy

Marcia's Musings: The Conservation of Energy

My mother’s younger brother died a few weeks ago at age 88. One minute he sat chatting from his chair with his daughter, seeing her on Facetime, and the next he slumped over quietly. He left this world on the long, last exhale in an instant without noticeable stress or pain. In what certainly stands as a sign of these times, my cousin virtually witnessed her father passing, his energy moving from one dimension to the next in full digital view.

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The Dance of the Chakras

The Dance of the Chakras

Most often, chakras are described as spinning vortexes. The word “chakra” actually means “wheel”. How are these spinning vortexes created? What makes them spin?

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