Love Yourself

Love Yourself

You’ve heard the saying, “One cannot truly love another until they truly love themselves.” Yet, we often find it much easier to feel love for others than we do for ourselves. You may be asking: What does it even really mean to love ourselves?

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The Magical Moon

The Magical Moon

The Moon represents intuition, emotion, deepest personal needs, feelings, reflection, instinctive reactions, and habits. The Moon is the mediator for the inner and outer world, holding space for our inner child and inner mother. While the Sun is logical, the Moon is all about the things you know without thought - instinct, gut feelings, intuition, hunches….

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The Moon Salutation

The Moon Salutation, known in Sanskrit as Chandra Namaskar, is a series of flowing asanas coordinated with your breath. In contrast to Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), which build heat, Moon Salutations foster cooling.

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