The Magical Moon
/The Moon represents intuition, emotion, deepest personal needs, feelings, reflection, instinctive reactions, and habits. The Moon is the mediator for the inner and outer world, holding space for our inner child and inner mother. While the Sun is logical, the Moon is all about the things you know without thought - instinct, gut feelings, intuition, hunches. It is responsive, receptive, protective, and reflective. The Moon is associated with divine feminine energy connected to imagination, creativity, adaptability, introspection, and protection.
The Magical Moon
A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It brings in the energy of new beginnings, and yet something is ending, making it almost a bittersweet energy on the flip side. A New Moon always opens a portal to a new reality, making it an excellent time for a fresh start (turn over a new leaf) or start a new project. You can question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs and connect with new and creative ways to make progress. The New Moon delivers a cosmic clean state that allows us to reset, recharge, and refocus. The energy of the New Moon is about building and growing and being full of hope, possibility, and momentum.
The Full Moon is a powerful time to look within, heal, forgive, shed the past, and show gratitude. It is all about releasing toxic thoughts and old energy, habits, and beliefs. The Sun sits directly opposite the Moon, a call for balance. Full Moons shine a light on what needs to be acknowledged or perhaps readjusted, showing us that maybe there is more to the story. Emotions, feelings, mental processes, dreams, etc., are heightened during the Full Moon energy. As the energy peaks, it causes tension and uncomfortable friction to expand our vision, boost our vibration and realize our potential. Then a massive release comes in, creating a cosmic sign and allowing our outer personal self to align with our inner spiritual purpose.
We can work the Moon cycles to question habits, behaviors, and beliefs. Regularly checking in with ourselves and our actions supports us to see what's working and what's not. Every lunation is surrounded by different energy, from how the planets align to the astrology of the Sun and the Moon. Understanding the cycles is important. An eclipse, for example, is a reminder to slow down and embrace sudden change. More fiery energy is a time of action. Earthy energy relates to grounding, airy energy connects with communication, and water energy is all about going inward and being in our flow state. When we can connect with the energy surrounding us, we can use it to our full advantage.
Join Grace for a New Moon Intention Ceremony or Full Moon Release Event
Grace Panian, RYT200
Grace Panian
Grace fell in love with her personal practice in 2016. She is no stranger to the mental, physical, and spiritual healing power of yoga. As her personal practice began to deepen, she was inspired to complete a yoga teacher training. Grace received her RTY-200 credentials in Rishikesh, India in May 2018. She is passionate about the philosophy surrounding the ancient practice. Grace constantly dives into books and continuing- education trainings to learn more about the practice. She encourages students to come out of the mind and into the body. Her goal is to have students walking out of class more grounded, calm, and connected to their true self. To Grace, yoga is literally a way of living, bringing more awareness to the body, mind, and perception.