Ten Mindfulness Tips for a Healthy Spine

Ten Mindfulness Tips for a Healthy Spine

As a young person I grieved the life I wasn’t able to have because of my spine issues – I suffered considerable pain for years. The way out (which was actually the way in) allowed me to release my pain, straighten my scoliosis, and transform a multitude of patterns that caused me suffering. My practice of yoga and being mindful of my spine has transformed into a great gift.

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My Dog Wu and His Acupuncture Story

My Dog Wu and His Acupuncture Story

I heard a bang and a crash. I flew up the stairs and around the corner. I found my beloved dog, barely two years old, convulsing. In that moment of terror and fright, there was no way to know that my life was about to transform in the most blessed and beautiful way...

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Be Mindful of Your Vitamin D

Be Mindful of Your Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is so prevalent that one-billion people are estimated to be affected – it's known as a global health problem and even referred to as the “ignored epidemic”.

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