Meditating in Loving Kindness with Anxiety and Stress

Meditating in Loving Kindness with Anxiety and Stress

We will never live in a stress-free world. So, how do we help our bodies and minds, when we encounter those stressful moments? Zen Buddhism teaches that as human beings, it is the nature of the human condition to suffer. However, there is a path to alleviate those conditions. Luckily for us, you don’t have to be a Buddhist nun or monk, or even commit to the religion itself, to practice helpful techniques deriving from these original teachings.

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Spring Detox Time

Spring Detox Time

Spring has sprung! Living here in Minnesota, I always look forward to these first true “coming out of winter” days – the light looks brighter, the air smells different, and we start to see the changes in nature around us. With this seasonal shift, I am always ready for spring cleaning, inside and out, including a good detox!

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The Power of Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) for Emotional Resolution

The Power of Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) for Emotional Resolution

The energy of our time is a little intense right now. Naturally, we’re emotional, we’re numb, we’re out of sorts… to say the least. Intense times require us to ground ourselves into what is true, real, and stable…

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Artist Spotlight: Perry Walters' Hand-Turned Bowls

Artist Spotlight: Perry Walters' Hand-Turned Bowls

Green Lotus’s boutique offers local artisans a place to display and sell their artwork. This month’s featured artist is Perry Walters.  His artisan bowls are unique, one-of-a-kind pieces, hand turned on a lathe in his barn.

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A Gentle, Reiki-Inspired Approach to the New Year

The new year is when we start to think about our resolutions and the changes we would like to make in our lives. Typically, that starts with a renewed dedication to the gym. Over the years, however, I have come to take a more yin approach to January – one that focuses on doing less, clearing out space in my life, and taking time for gentle reflection…

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Ten Mindfulness Tips for a Healthy Spine

Ten Mindfulness Tips for a Healthy Spine

As a young person I grieved the life I wasn’t able to have because of my spine issues – I suffered considerable pain for years. The way out (which was actually the way in) allowed me to release my pain, straighten my scoliosis, and transform a multitude of patterns that caused me suffering. My practice of yoga and being mindful of my spine has transformed into a great gift.

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The Answer is You

The Answer is You

Every time I walk through the studio doors, preparing to hold the seat of the teacher, I whisper two things to myself: May my words flow meaningfully, and may my presence be felt as the safe space I intend for it to be.

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Balancing Gratitude and Grieving: What do you need to let go of this fall?

Balancing Gratitude and Grieving: What do you need to let go of this fall?

Gratitude and grief often seem like two separate things. They are not. Gratitude, when practiced wisely, is not about pretending everything in your life is perfect. Gratitude requires a fundamental recognition of What Is. Grieving plays an important part in that acknowledgement. 

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The Cardiovascular Benefits of Yoga: An Evidence-Based Exploration

The Cardiovascular Benefits of Yoga: An Evidence-Based Exploration

Cardiovascular diseases contribute to 32% of deaths globally. Did you know that yoga has proven benefits for your heart health?

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The Importance of the Core, On and Off the Mat

The Importance of the Core, On and Off the Mat

You’ve probably heard the terms core conditioning and training, but do you know which muscles make up the core? A strong core can help you move more efficiently and avoid injury. Use these yoga poses to strengthen your core in as little as 5-10 minutes a day!

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5 Self-Care Practices to Relieve Stress at Work 

Even if you love your job, work equals stress. The many causes of stress in the workplace are familiar…

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The Sweet Surrender to Spring

Spring is the time when we see what the seeds planted in the past bring forth. Will the tulips come up, or did the squirrels get them? Will the work that I put into my business, my relationship, or my garden reap rewards or will self-surrender guide me as I realize not all I wished for has come to pass in this present moment?

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Marcia’s Musings: Be Brave. Be Creative. Be.

Earlier this month, I led a training in Yoga Nidra. My heart cracked open. Emotions and feelings flowed. What a gift for us all, students and teachers alike. In sharing our inner life and our hearts’ deepest longings, we find equality.

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Ayurvedic Tips for Spring

It’s hard to imagine, as I write this while watching big flakes of snow fall in yet another winter storm, that spring is just around the corner. As the days grow longer and the sun begins to warm the earth, we feel the energies of earth, and our own energies, shift…..

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Green Lotus Teacher Training - More Than Poses

Green Lotus Teacher Training - More Than Poses

I knew right away when I walked in the door that Green Lotus would play an important role in my life. I actively was seeking a yoga teacher-training program that felt right and offered the skills needed to teach yoga in a professional, safe, and meaningful way. What I did not know was that I would not only graduate from the RYT-200 program, but also…

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(NEW) Tips for Better Sleep

Judging by the number of ads, blog posts, marketing emails, social media posts, and commercials I see on the subject daily, a good night’s sleep is not only highly sought after, but also widely elusive. The problem with all these posts, emails, ads, etc., is that they say pretty much the same things….

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True Freedom

True Freedom

In yogic tradition, mokṣa means freedom from saṃsāra, the endless cycle of life and death. Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism all view the attachments of our physical lives as limits to the ultimate goal - enlightenment. Each has different ideas as to how liberation is achieved…

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The Care & Keeping of You

The Care & Keeping of You

Anyone who has flown commercially has heard the phrase, “Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.” This same idea can be applied to our everyday lives; to serve others in a meaningful way, you must first serve yourself. How often do we recognize the need to put ourselves first?

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The Fantastic Flexible (and Warming) Practice of Yoga

The Fantastic Flexible (and Warming) Practice of Yoga

One of the many reasons a yoga practice supports physical well-being is because asana and pranayama build internal heat in nearly every kind of class that includes movement….

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You Are Made of Heat (Use It as Your Superpower)

You Are Made of Heat (Use It as Your Superpower)

Tapas remains our spiritual kick in the rear to get it together because our true nature knows we are capable. In fact, our true nature depends on us to break through the pains to grow. Can we handle our own flames? Of course we can….

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