Blessed Be the Dog That Takes You for a Fall Walk
/ Rebecca AirmetBy Marcia Appel — Last Updated: October 11, 2024

No amount of pleading on my part
Stopped your brown eyes from begging on your part.
So, jeans pulled over striped cotton pajama bottoms
And downy jacket enfolding my hunched shoulders,
We stepped out into the predawn chill.
The leash, slipped lightly over my wrist and linked
Tightly to your collar,
Drew us mystically together,
The yin/yang obvious to passersby -
You pulling, me dragging.
Three blocks into the woods,
You stopped at a thicket of evergreens,
Pushed your spotted nose into the branches,
And then looked back
As if to say, “Why not you, too?”
I stopped resisting you then.
My face leaned full into the misty, fragrant spruce,
Encircled by golden pampas grass,
Where loamy autumn smells flowed over me
With the hint of Christmas yet to come adding zest.
You leaned companionably against my legs then,
Reminding me, once again,
Of the simple joys you give each day.
In 2006, Marcia, a former journalist and corporate executive, wrote the plan that launched Green Lotus. In 2007, Green Lotus opened, and Marcia and business partner Merry Beth Freienmuth, who joined in 2009, planted the seeds of service that are the foundation of the Green Lotus philosophy. "As teachers and healers," Marcia says, "we meet students and clients where they are. We learn and grow from each other -- and have fun doing it."