DIY Aromatherapy Body Butter
/ Tracy HovdeThis all-natural, skin soothing body butter is easy to make with just a few ingredients that can be found at a natural food market or ordered online. Personalize it by using your favorite essential oils and put it in a mason jar. This recipe makes approximately 12 pint-sized jars so you have enough for yourself and some to give as gifts.

1 pound Shea butter
1/2 pound coconut oil
1/2 cup carrier oil (grapeseed oil, almond oil, jojoba, unscented massage oil)
20 drops essential oil
Combine shea butter, coconut oil, and carrier oil in a double boiler. You can also use a slow cooker on low or melt in the microwave in 10 second intervals to prevent burning.
Melt the oils together stirring frequently. Be careful to not let the mixture boil.
When mixture is completely melted, remove from heat. Place in freezer or fridge for 30 - 40 minutes or until completely cooled and semi-solid to the touch.
Add up to 20 drops of your favorite essential oils (use your favorite essential oil blend or create your own blend).
Whip with a kitchen mixer or handheld whip until fluffy like whipping cream. The more you whip the fluffier it will be.
Transfer into small glass or other non-reactive sealable containers. Repurposed jelly jars or old mason jars work great. Dress them up with fabric over the lid and a ribbon and your homemade gift doesn't even need to be wrapped.
Essential Oil Blends

Lavender is one of the most versatile oils and blends well with other oils. Blend lavender with any combination of the following oils. These oils have been chosen because they are generally regarded as safe for most people. If you choose a different oil be sure to look up it’s properties and contraindications for use.
Chamomile (grounding, calming, gentle, anti-inflammatory)
Geranium rose (mood enhancing, good for the skin, hormone balancing)
Peppermint (pain relief, sinus care, stimulating)
Eucalyptus (respiratory health, pain relief)