The Care & Keeping of You

Stress is a part of life. Although typically perceived as an emotion tied to negative experiences, it accompanies positive moments like travel, holidays, and celebrations, too. Stress, whether it arises from a positive or negative source, may cause us to feel:

  • Anxious

  • Worn-out

  • Tired

  • Depressed

  • Over-committed 

  • Restless


Stress takes a toll on our physical health. It manifests in many ways, from physical discomfort to illness, and long-term exposure to unmitigated stress can have devastating consequences on our well-being. Stress often creeps in when we pack our calendars full of commitments, trying to ensure we give everyone and everything enough time and attention.  As we’re focusing on the myriad demands in our lives like making plans with friends, putting in long hours at work, visiting family, supporting a child’s schoolwork and activities, and keeping our homes running smoothly, it’s easy to lose track of our own need for care and rest. But spreading ourselves too thin and piling on too much stress will prevent us from showing up for our loved ones when we, inevitably, burn out.


Anyone who has flown commercially has heard the phrase, “Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.”  This same idea can be applied to our everyday lives; to serve others in a meaningful way, you must first serve yourself. How often do we recognize the need to put ourselves first?  Sometimes we need to use a symbolic oxygen mask to take care of ourselves in order to be able to help others. 


Everyone’s oxygen mask looks different. Yours is whatever activity helps you restore your energy and leaves you feeling refreshed. Here are some ideas:


Often, we designate activities like these as luxuries, so they are not prioritized when we are overextended. This is when we need them most to allow us to continue showing up as our best selves. Discover what your "oxygen mask" looks like and use it!  Your physical, emotional, and mental health will thank you.